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Monday, April 16, 2007


The World Of Video

Who would have thought that Email video or videos on websites would become so popular. It seems the sordid sites have been using them for years, yet may business have websites that are currently without any video clips on them. You have to ask yourself "why?"
Sending Emails with video on them is still a new concept but we have it available. Again, why are people not using it?
The real reason in our research is that it is still a new thing. Video in these formats is still in its product introductory curve, apparently still not making much progress up the slope to the dizzy heights of success.
This will change as more and more people get exposure to the technology. So will the future show people using video Emails. Absolutely. Will there be more video on websites. Absolutely. It will also take over the texting phenomenon of the younger generation. Video to mobile is now becoming a daily occurance for some and one day everybody will be doing it. So the main point is, people will make a lot of money if they are positioned now in the companies that promote it.
So history leaves clues. Those of use beyond 50 will remember black and white TV. Some remember 78s. Then LPs then cassettes, then the CD and now the DVD. The skeptics all shouted that this movement of progress would not work. Yes they are wrong again over the issues of email video and video on websites. You only need to look at the internet marketing style business opportunities websites to see a whole host of videos with people telling you how they made their millions.
So, who wants some of the action, so to speak?

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