Welcome to Business advertising
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Advertise with Little or No Money
Everybody shops on line today since the launching of Ebay, Amazon.com and other companies. iAdvertising your business online is probably the best way to reach a large audience when you are marketing on a budget. The following are a few cleaver and unique marketing ideas to promote your product or business:
Yellow Pages: The Yellow Pages directories are good sources of advertising. Almost every business can benefit from advertising in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Listing your business in the Yellow Pages will inform clients of the location and services that you provide.
Radio: Contact your local radio stations for their advertising prices. The best prices are usually offered during non-peak times.
Television: The best times to advertise on television are non-peak times, usually late at night. You may contact the television station in your area to find out more information on their advertising prices.
Newspapers: Contact the classified department of your local newspaper regarding placing an advertisement with them. Before placing the advertisement, you must decide who your target audience. For example, if you only want to reach Maryland residents in your local area, you might want to advertise in the paper that serves that local area.
Brochures: You may also use brochures in the company's presentation package. This package should include the company's stationary, brochure, and business card.
Business Cards: The personalized business cards can be used as a form of advertising that will give others information about the business. The information on the card will give them the name of the company, type of business, location, telephone number, and the contact person.
Ezines and Newsletters: Circulating Ezine-newsletter is another a way of getting the word out about your business. These are informational pieces that inform potential customers what your business is doing, and they can be as small as one page.
Direct Mail: There are companies that will send you a mailing list for a small fee. Check your Yellow Pages for a list of the companies that produce mailing lists. Contact the company to get copies of their current lists. The price of the lists varies from company to company.
Organizations: Joining several organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and trade associations in your area and actively participating in them is also a way of getting the word out about your product or business.
Yellow Pages: The Yellow Pages directories are good sources of advertising. Almost every business can benefit from advertising in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory. Listing your business in the Yellow Pages will inform clients of the location and services that you provide.
Radio: Contact your local radio stations for their advertising prices. The best prices are usually offered during non-peak times.
Television: The best times to advertise on television are non-peak times, usually late at night. You may contact the television station in your area to find out more information on their advertising prices.
Newspapers: Contact the classified department of your local newspaper regarding placing an advertisement with them. Before placing the advertisement, you must decide who your target audience. For example, if you only want to reach Maryland residents in your local area, you might want to advertise in the paper that serves that local area.
Brochures: You may also use brochures in the company's presentation package. This package should include the company's stationary, brochure, and business card.
Business Cards: The personalized business cards can be used as a form of advertising that will give others information about the business. The information on the card will give them the name of the company, type of business, location, telephone number, and the contact person.
Ezines and Newsletters: Circulating Ezine-newsletter is another a way of getting the word out about your business. These are informational pieces that inform potential customers what your business is doing, and they can be as small as one page.
Direct Mail: There are companies that will send you a mailing list for a small fee. Check your Yellow Pages for a list of the companies that produce mailing lists. Contact the company to get copies of their current lists. The price of the lists varies from company to company.
Organizations: Joining several organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and trade associations in your area and actively participating in them is also a way of getting the word out about your product or business.
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