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Friday, August 31, 2007


Please Don’t Run That Advert - Tell Your Advertisers Which Designs Will Work Best For Them

Remember, this is all about long-term relationships – attention to detail can work wonders for your business. If you are honest with your customers, they will respect you for it and usually bow to your judgement. Of course, this puts a bit more pressure on you to deliver the goods!
One good example of choosing the right copy and design is online banner adverts.
After five years of working with a group of people on a series of industrial websites, the group noticed that animated leaderboard ads (horizontal ads across the top of the page that display different messages or designs) were losing their appeal with visitors on certain sections of the site. They found that some of the highly technical content pages were still getting decent responses from animated banners, but other basic content pages with standard company news announcements were receiving a lower number of clicks from animated banners. When they tried a static banner (one that doesn’t rotate with different messages) they found that the responses improved on the basic content sections of the site. Although, they couldn’t fully confirm the reasons for this, they discovered that people who were viewing non-technical related material seemed to be more willing to click on a ‘less fancy’ banner ad. The production and sales departments could then advise companies on which designs to use on different sections of the site and this became a very good move indeed.
This attention to detail showed the customer that the company was actively monitoring response levels from different designs and it meant that they could work on a relevant design to bring in the very best results.
Note: Always take a close look at what is working in your media and advise your customers accordingly. If you are honest with them, it will form a positive rapport, as well as a good potential long-term relationship.
Andrew Long is an advertising sales consultant and expert in the field of generating revenues from websites and other media. He offers media companies a bespoke solution to selling advertising and making money from their websites and other media.

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