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Monday, October 1, 2007
Flyer Printing - 5 Ways to Ease Into Your Printing Projects
Working on your printing project can be time-consuming, exhausting and even troublesome at times. All of these may occur with a simple printing job such as flyer printing. However, this is not to say that these circumstances are avoidable.
You can make printing easier. After all, the road to a hassle-free printing starts with you before you even turnover your task to a professional printing company.
Here five great ideas you can apply to launch your flyer printing off:
1. Set a Workable Deadline
First of all, flyer printing can be done by just one person or it can be done in a group. With the flow of work and the division of labor, it is only practical for you to set a generous amount of time for your flyers or campaign.
Remember, while you may not work within a group, you will still be relying on a printing company for your flyers. It pays to include turnaround times and shipping time into your deadline. Leave too plenty of time for retrieving printing quotes and proofs. And even if you happen to run into some bad luck, it would prove useful that you have extra days for revision once your printer sends back your file for low resolution, unconverted CMYK images and the like.
2. Creative Concepts and Mechanics
Creative concept refers as to how you package your campaign into your flyers. This includes the copy or the text, together with the photos or design and the theme which you are trying to pull off.
Nevertheless, you cannot do away with creative concepts without mechanic which refers to the medium – flyers. You have to know how you can transfer your ideas unto the flyers. No, not just by printing it.
You have to know the strengths of the flyers. You have to know too how you will layout your design properly so you have a truly optimized and effective flyer printing.
3. Get into the Nitty Gritty Details of Your Prints
Your flyer printing project is like no other. You know the look, the feel, the image you are trying to pull off so do it. Get into the nitty gritty details that should appear in your flyers.
Ask how you can the definition you want for your prints, the color accuracy and the likes. If you want to have custom jobs such as die-cutting, it helps to know just how accurate it will be done and so on.
4. Unique Selling Proposition
Remember the most important things that you would want to highlight about your products or services in your flyers. If you’re not selling anything, the same philosophy applies. Just ask the question, what will pull your target audience towards you?
Highlight the details accordingly. Use the necessary colors or fonts to get the attention it needs.
5. Flyers Go Well with Other Print Materials
Flyers, indeed, work well with other print media. Think about press kits and how the entire package contains a handful of literature that can be used to market your products. This is not to say, however, that all your campaigns be done with all the posters, postcards, brochures, all the works.
You can make printing easier. After all, the road to a hassle-free printing starts with you before you even turnover your task to a professional printing company.
Here five great ideas you can apply to launch your flyer printing off:
1. Set a Workable Deadline
First of all, flyer printing can be done by just one person or it can be done in a group. With the flow of work and the division of labor, it is only practical for you to set a generous amount of time for your flyers or campaign.
Remember, while you may not work within a group, you will still be relying on a printing company for your flyers. It pays to include turnaround times and shipping time into your deadline. Leave too plenty of time for retrieving printing quotes and proofs. And even if you happen to run into some bad luck, it would prove useful that you have extra days for revision once your printer sends back your file for low resolution, unconverted CMYK images and the like.
2. Creative Concepts and Mechanics
Creative concept refers as to how you package your campaign into your flyers. This includes the copy or the text, together with the photos or design and the theme which you are trying to pull off.
Nevertheless, you cannot do away with creative concepts without mechanic which refers to the medium – flyers. You have to know how you can transfer your ideas unto the flyers. No, not just by printing it.
You have to know the strengths of the flyers. You have to know too how you will layout your design properly so you have a truly optimized and effective flyer printing.
3. Get into the Nitty Gritty Details of Your Prints
Your flyer printing project is like no other. You know the look, the feel, the image you are trying to pull off so do it. Get into the nitty gritty details that should appear in your flyers.
Ask how you can the definition you want for your prints, the color accuracy and the likes. If you want to have custom jobs such as die-cutting, it helps to know just how accurate it will be done and so on.
4. Unique Selling Proposition
Remember the most important things that you would want to highlight about your products or services in your flyers. If you’re not selling anything, the same philosophy applies. Just ask the question, what will pull your target audience towards you?
Highlight the details accordingly. Use the necessary colors or fonts to get the attention it needs.
5. Flyers Go Well with Other Print Materials
Flyers, indeed, work well with other print media. Think about press kits and how the entire package contains a handful of literature that can be used to market your products. This is not to say, however, that all your campaigns be done with all the posters, postcards, brochures, all the works.
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