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Friday, June 13, 2008


How to Decide If a Yellow Pages Ad is Right For You

So you take the step and your own account. But how can we decide, if appropriate, advertising is right for you? This will help dispel some of the mysteries and you on your way to increase your knowledge Yellow Pages.

Start by determining whether the Yellow Pages advertising is an effective way to attract new business. In addition, your company can afford this type of advertising.

If you've never done this before, it is best to begin by 1 / 8 or 1 / 4 page ad and see how it does it for a year. This gives you a better overall picture of the company.

Try to get an idea of your customers when you found. Always follow up with demand, "Where did you get our number?" Over the phone or in person. Even if they do not use your company or services.

Just because a representative Yellow Pages ad or was not useful, does not mean that all will not. Check around the experience and with the best deals and sellers. Some may help you write a higher ad and give you ideas for promoting the company as well.

If you do not show your ad or ideas sales personnel invents, feel free to modify it as you see fit. It is your ad, you've got a lot on horseback.

In some companies and some professional services, there are regulations limiting or against advertising can participate in. Be sure not to break all the rules by taking a Yellow Pages ad.

Decide whether you can meet the deadline for a particular book. If you can not, consider advertising in another book which has a later date.

Look at the coverage area and decide if you have the most coverage for your advertising dollar. What are the areas that already serve you? Would you expand the areas or are too far for your company?

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